 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Reallusion CrazyTalk照片也疯狂软件V8.03.1620.1版+资料包

本软件是由Reallusion公司出品的Reallusion CrazyTalk照片也疯狂软件V8.03.1620.1版+资料包,大小:2 GB,支持Win系统,包含扩展资料包语言:英语。

你看过迪斯尼动画片的话,一定会被那精细的制作所深深吸引,尤其令人叹服的是,每个动画角色在说话时口形都与台词配合得天衣无缝,真是太神奇了!你想自己制作出这样与对话口形配合巧妙的动画吗?什麽?觉得这太难了,不可能实现?呵呵,其实你只要有这款叫做CrazyTalk 的软件就可以了。通过 CrazyTalk 这款软件,我们只需要一张普通的照片就能制作出人物说话时的口形动画。在生成的动画中,除了嘴巴会跟着语音开合之外,眼睛、面部肌肉等也都会跟着动,非常自然。而且CrazyTalk 支持 TTS(文字转语音技术),也就是说,你只要输入文字,软件即可自己生成语音和口形。CrazyTalk 除了自带的小猫、小狗、雕像等十余个动画角色外,还能让使用者自行制作角色.

Crazy Talk 是一套只要使用一张照片,就可以让照片变成会动、会说话、具有各种特效,并可以输出多种档案格式的软件;您只需将朋友同事、家庭成员的照片输入,Crazy Talk 就能够让您将照片编辑成具有丰富表情变化、且有声有影的多媒体档案。

Crazy Talk全球发行超过一百万套, 3D仿真技术更加强大,革命性的独家专利技术,更是静态相片进化大革命!能让相片主角拟真动起来!

只要轻松五步骤,就能让静态照片立刻变影片。不管是拍好的照片或是宠物、卡通以及历史人物图片通通都能活起来,轻松开口说话、唱歌教学,还可搭配剧情需求,实时汇入各种动态配件与脸部表情特效。是数字相机玩家入门 DV影片剪辑的必备工具,也提供数字影音玩家更多独一无二的丰富影片素材。

CrazyTalk 除了让照片会说话,还可加入丰富的表情变化。找一张独具魅力的照片,再录下您美妙的声音,讲个笑话、唱首歌,透过电子邮件问候您的好友。 可以输出 ActiveX Control(可内嵌至网页的元件),把这张说话的照片发佈至网路上,诚徵网友、播报八卦,甚至做成电子售货员,让它成为您的网站代言人。 进阶的使用者,可以利用程式语言,即时控制网站代言人,并产生各种趣味的互动,如互动聊天室、互动教学、人工智慧的客服员。

应用范围: 寄发电子邮件利用最佳代言人问候老朋友,或是开玩笑、告白、懺悔…。输出媒体档案可输出影片档、序列图档,供其他媒体剪辑用。网站代言人最佳代言人可以将说话的照片发佈至网路上,让它成为您的网站代言人。智慧型代言人可以利用程式语言,即时控制网站代言人,并产生各种趣味的互动。

Reallusion CrazyTalk Pipeline 8.03.1620.1 + Resource Pack

CrazyTalk is the world‘s most popular facial animation software that uses voice and text to vividly animate facial images. The brand new CrazyTalk 8 contains all the powerful features people love about CrazyTalk plus a highly anticipated 3D Head Creation tool, a revolutionary Auto Motion engine, and smooth lip-syncing results for any talking animation projects.

Pipeline Features:

– Photo to 3D Head

– Photo to 2D Head

– Face Puppet Profile

– Auto Motion

– Auto Audio Lip-sync

– Full Timeline Editing

– Content Resource

– Export to iClone 6

What’s New in CrazyTalk Pipeline 8:

One Photo – Instant Results

The 3D face fitting technology is based on a library of ethnic human anatomies, providing 9 profiles to help you choose the right one to speed up your fitting process. Make your heads not only look real, but also make fun to test by using the same photo under different looks.

Two Photos – Fine Details

Synthesize an entire 3D head by using both Front / Side photo profiles that allow you to precisely define facial contours while providing additional texture placements on the face.

Non-Humans are Welcome

With the new CrazyTalk 8 Head Creator system, now character creation is unlimited. With some creative retouches, you can breath live into in-animate objects in just a few minutes.

Face Photo Fitting

Automatically fits a facial wireframe to your image. You may then further use additional clicks to adjust the corners of the eyes and the mouth. In a short time, you will already have complete control to fine-tune additional fitting points.

Head & Hair Mesh

Facial angles prevent photo distortion during face rotation. The Face Orientation function allows you to edit Front and Side (? 45°) images. The hair mesh layer can handle characters with long hair, horns and ears for you to create vivid and natural-looking animations.

3D Face Profile

Facial meshes provide all kinds of different facial contours, especially for non-human character fitting. Face Profile Styles allow you to animate different characters, including human, animal, and cartoon-like faces with realistic performances.



资源名称: Reallusion CrazyTalk照片也疯狂软件V8.03.1620.1版+资料包

本站编号:  YJ1895

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