支持AE CS3或者以上版本,高清分辨率1920×1080,26秒,有预渲染。
AE CS3 Useful Particle project
Here comes the first of long planned project. But find time to prepare the files is always the issue. Anyway AE CS3 Useful Particle project, I mean useful because many of the elements you get in this file, will be added to your stock library for use on other projects. Of course not for resell…
So Native resolution is HD 1080 (1920×1080). Video Clip runs for 26 sec. Everything is fully editable from animation to colors, text, Shapes, length, anything you want to change, you can.
Except the Radio waves PNG sequence for the ending effect,it was done outside After effects.
The main screen emulates a Stylish Particle Sequence with animated text headlines & smooth background elements.
Zip file contains :
Project file : AE CS3 project & User guide
Extras : Prerendered PNG sequence used in the project Render Preview
Project is well organized with coloured layers and markers along the timeline to help you browse the keyframe effect and understand the process.
Well detailed instructions are included as a USER GUIDE pdf. No additional plug-in required except After Effects CS3 basic presets.
For any additional request on the files, or for any questions please contact me via e-mail only
Make it Good from Concept to Completion
VideoHive AE CS3 Useful Particle project 27660 Project for After Effects
HD 1920x1080 | Adobe After Effects CS3 | 20.6 Mb