 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Unity手机游戏开发角色编程教程

本教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Unity游戏开发最终合成教程,时长:1小时8分,教程使用软件:Unity 3.4 ,作者:Chris Glick ,官方发布时间:2012年3月1日,语言:英语。

在本教学中我们将学习为角色动画进行编程,从而让它能够与控制器和整体的游戏一起工作。首先我们将动画分解为几个不同的片段,然后能够连贯的播放它们。接着我们将左游戏手柄的位置连接到代码中来控制角色的基本运动动画。从这里开始我们将使用IF ELSE条件来控制具体是播放哪一个动画。接着我们将叠加另外一层动画来轻松的让角色在跑动的时候能够被击中或者是还击。最后我们在暂停的时候冻结动画从而完成角色动画编程的制作。


Digital-Tutors Unity Mobile Game Development Character Scripting

In this tutorial we will learn how to script our character animations to work with our controls and overall game. To begin we need to bake our animations into separate animation clips and loop them correctly. Next we’ll connect the left joystick position into our script to drive the base character movement animation. From there we will use If Else conditionals to drive which animation plays. Next we’ll layer other animations together to easily have our character run while getting hit or swapping weapons. We’ll finish our character animation script by freezing the animations while paused and correctly dealing with a game over condition.


资源名称: Unity手机游戏开发角色编程教程

本站编号:  VX1769

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