本教程是由cmiVFX机构出品的Flame高级合成技巧训练教程,时长:2小时24分,使用软件:Autodesk Flame。
在《泰坦尼克》中:“当泰坦尼克号船徐徐地离开南开普顿港口驶向茫茫的大西洋,站在船头的Jack Dawson激动地挥舞着手臂喊着“我是这个世界的国王”,这时摄像机的镜头越过他的头部上方拉向了整条船,展示了泰坦尼克号巨大的身躯以及船上所有用的乘客。”这就是flame。不只是在《泰坦尼克》中,在《真实的谎言》、《阿波罗13号》、《第五元素》的制作过程中也都有它的身影。
flame 高性能视觉效果制作和合成系统,可使世界顶尖的数字艺术家在从复杂的长片视觉特效到商业广告等领域的广泛项目中进行交互式工作。当今世界,许多数字艺术家正依靠着荣获学院技术奖Academy Award?的flame实现创作梦想。无论是通过超级的视觉景象冲击电影票房,还是创作出人们谈论最多的优美的音乐电视。不管面临的挑战是什么,flame艺术家们都能拥有一切工具和所需功能。从艺术级抠像、跟踪和颜色校正工具,到设计史上最完善的三维合成环境,flame为艺术家们提供了当今视觉效果设计最全面的工具。flame将技术创新与性能相结合,为制作市场提供了一个高度直观和交互的视觉效果设计环境。无论你即将交付的是高清晰度电影、HDTV还是标清视频,它可助你在项目制作过程中更加快速,进而提供更大创造性和更高的作品质量。 flame 为后期制作公司和工作室提高了生产力和创作能力,从而为他们拓展业务提供了强大有效的手段。作为世界知名的视觉特效系统,其交互式的设计功能在制作者、艺术导演和DoPs工作中广泛流行。自从使用flame,他们能够与艺术家们一道参与交换随时爆发的创作灵感。
- Action 合成模块- 三维设计环境由用户驾驭,可快速创建视觉效果,支持二维/三维几何学和三维粒子- 3D抠像、模块化抠像和Discreet抠像- Discreet获奖的多功能抠像工具,以及功能强大、创新的三维和模块化抠像- Color correction颜色调整和Colour Warper颜色扭曲- 快速的颜色分级和单独校正:改变一段影片的色彩,校正灯光或者简单到让一个瓶子的商标更加突出- 运动跟踪和稳定性- 快速精确的多点运动跟踪运算用于图像的稳定,或在场景中锁定移动的物体元素- 变形 - 将实际物体变形并转换成一个完全不同的物体,在图像中对变形调整定型- 强大的绘画和文字工具- 高性能集成绘画和二维/三维文字工具,可用于交互式动画设计和实时的数字绘画/润饰- 先进的对位工具- 先进的Gmask(garbage mask)和Tracer物体提取工具:创建带有羽类定位的三线矢量蒙板,以及快速精确的边缘抠像- Batch 批量处理- 交互式合成流程可使你更方便地显现和修改复杂的合成- Film工具- 先进的显示器校准工具,直观的颜色查询表(LUT)创建和应用,高质量的颗粒处理- 动画和表达式- 用于全面控制动画数据的强大的动画工具,包括曲线编辑器和表达式- 运行于高性能的双/四CPU SGI Tezro,V12图形子系统,实时8/10-bit ITU-R 601标清和SMPTE 292M 高清输入输出。支持2K传递和12bit胶片
cmiVFX Autodesk Flame Jump Start
This video is an electrified, fast paced JUMP START for anyone trying to learn Autodesk Flame. Flame Jump Start covers everything you need to know in order to navigate the extremely deep, user interface of Autodesk Flame that has been accumulating tools since the begging of the Digital Visual Effects Software generation.
Curious about our experience? Curious about your experience? Just plain curious? No worries, we will ease you into this video with some light chat, quick Flame environment setup, talk about directory structures and more.
It's not like cmiVFX to create a video in which you cover preferences of a software application to great extent, but with such a BEAST of a software package, we focus right down into those preferences so that you can follow along and be most efficient when working on the desktop and volume management issues. (Disk Space and Storage). It wont take too long, don't worry… but you really need to glimpse at this before moving on.
It's not your local public library, but after a while it can look like one! Learn how ingest media, manage organization, control versioning, visualize wasted space, reach 3rd party networks, link, import and revise data to disk. (SAY THAT 5 TIMES FAST!) This is the heart of your data structure… albeit, a visual way of controlling media. (Chats about XML, EDL, OMF are spoken of)
Considered to be the most powerful part of the software, Flame Desktop rivals no other in visual, gestural editing workflows. Manage clips, make edits, version control, organize libraries, gain access to an enormous amount of tools for pre-processing clips and perform long format editing for dailies. Believe us when we say, this description doesn't due Flame Desktop justice. Its really feature rich.
Batch Basics:
We put this high up on the list for several reasons. Autodesk has been moving flame to a more procedural workflow in version 2012, than ever before. If you use, Nuke, Toxik, Fusion, or maybe a compositing application not available to the public, you will start to feel at home after this chapter. We demonstrate how to navigate, build, manage, and script a Batch Tree. We also make comparisons to 3rd party compositors to help correlate similar ideologies in the Visual Effects game. This knowledge will plug directly into our more advanced videos as well