本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Toon Boom Harmony动画技巧12则视频教程,Digital-Tutors 12 Principles of Animation in Toon Boom Harmony,时长:2小时18分,大小:1.12 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Toon Boom Harmony, 作者:Kurt Jones,共13个章节,语言:英语。
Toon Boom Animate 是一个独特的基于矢量的动画协同设计(交互式设计)动画制作软件,包括内容制作,合成,并通过媒体交付给观众整个流程,是动画师,数字工作室,学生和教育工作者设计的理想的完全数字动画软件。
Digital-Tutors 12 Principles of Animation in Toon Boom Harmony
In the days of hand-drawn animation, a group of top Disney animators came together and defined twelve rules of animation that, when applied properly, would create amazing animation and an engaging experience for the audience. In 1981 Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston released a book titled ‘The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation’, which detailed all 12 principles.
Since then, animators around the world have studied and applied these techniques. Although they were originally created for hand-drawn animation, these 12 principles apply directly to our modern computer generated animation. Whenever you set a keyframe in any application, you should be thinking of the 12 principles of animation.