本视频教程是由simplylightwave机构出品的LightWave电车建模技术训练视频教程,Simply Lightwave Prague Tram Modeling in LightWave 11.6,大小:3.2 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:LightWave 11.6,共15个章节,语言:英语。
美国NewTek公司开发的LightWave 3D是一款高性价比的三维动画制作软件,它的功能非常强大,是业界为数不多的几款重量级三维动画软件之一。LightWave 3D从有趣的AMIGA开始,发展到今天的11版本,已经成为一款功能非常强大的三维动画软件,支持论坛WINDOWS,MAC OS 32位,64位。被广泛应用在电影、电视、游戏、网页、广告、印刷、动画等各领域。它的操作简便,易学易用,在生物建模和角色动画方面功能异常强大;基于光线跟踪、光能传递等技术的渲染模块,令它的渲染品质几尽完美。它以其优异性能倍受影视特效制作公司和游戏开发商的青睐。当年火爆一时的好莱坞大片《TITANIC》中细致逼真的船体模型、《RED PLANET》中的电影特效以及《恐龙危机2》、《生化危机-代号维洛尼卡》等许多经典游戏均由LightWave 3D开发制作完成。
Simply Lightwave Prague Tram Modeling in LightWave 11.6
Join Alexander Llanos as he covers the complete modeling of this tram in LightWave 11.6. The tram model along with all reference files are included. An introduction video can be found below. About the instructor: Alexander Llanos is 3D artist who graduated from the DAVE School in Orlando, Florida. He is a freelance 3D modeler and animator who has worked in various aspects of the entertainment, gaming, and commercial industries. Some of his previous experiences range from the daily on-air operations of a TV station, theater set and prop construction, costume and prop building at Universal Studios, to visual effects in TV and film. His IMDB page can be found here.