本视频教程是由vertexpusher机构出品的C4D综合训练系列视频教程Vol.1-5,Vertex Pusher Training Collection for Cinema 4D,大小:22.87 GB,MP4高清视频 教程使用软件:CINEMA 4D R14,作者:Hrvoje Srdelic,共5部,语言:英语。。
这节教程是让你对Cinema 4D软件有一个大概的了解,对于初学者和资深用户都很有用。课程中涵盖了建模工作的方方面面,以及工作中很多制作技巧。
Vol.2:制作灯光和材质 如何渲染
这两个课程适合中高级使用者,可以像单独的学习教程来看,通过Vol.1 和 Vol.2能够获得很多有用的软件知识,是很值得推荐的。
这节教程对cinma 4d中动画模块和新的CA/TD工具有一个比较全面深刻的探讨。从动画速成教程,角色创建和表情动画制作,到nla,物体运动表现,动作捕捉和重新定位,创建复杂场景动画,包含多角色标记和建立手动走路循环。同时也涉及了cinmema4软件扩展性,比如通过mograph来制作模型,机械设置,高级的表情制作等等。
我们最终创建的角色中,利用effects,tracers,expresso和coffee给角色做了很多高级设置:IK/FK, SplineIK,约束,pose设置,权重分配,绑定左右镜像,动力学,变形以及点贴图。在教程中我们创建了自定义控制器和满足我们特殊需要的控制界面,还有角色身上的布料和头发,这些合并在一起成为一个完整的绑定。(翻译)
Cinema 4D是一套由德国公司Maxon Computer开发的3D绘图软件,以及高的运算速度和强大的渲染插件著称。Cinema 4D 应用广泛,在广告、电影、工业设计、等方面都有出色的表现,例如影片《阿凡达》有花鸦三维影动研究室中国工作人员使用Cinema 4D制作了部分场景,在这样的大片中看到C4D的表现是很优秀的。在其他动画电影中也使用到C4D的有很多如《毁灭战士》(Doom)、《范海辛》〈Van Helsing〉、《蜘蛛侠》、以及动画片《极地特快》、《丛林总动员》(Open Season)等等。它正成为许多一流艺术家和电影公司的首选,Cinema 4D已经走向成熟,很多模块的功能在同类软件中是代表科技进步的成果。
Vertex Pusher Training Collection for Cinema 4D
Training vol.1: Introduction and Modeling
This tutorial is designed to get you inside Cinema 4D quickly from scratch, it is for both beginners and advanced users.
It covers every aspect of modeling you will need, and it gives numerous tips about workflows.
After watching there will be no more questions on how Cinema 4D operates, or how do I model this or that?
You will feel at home in Cinema 4D and be able to know exactly how to model certain tasks.
Even most complex objects and forms, like human head will not present a problem.
Training vol.2: Lighting, Shading and Rendering
Find out with this unique, mind blowing training how to rig your characters, create setups with Xpresso and learn how to use scripting the easy way. This training is packed with valuable information and will open your eyes to an amazing toolset that lies inside Cinema 4D.
You will learn how to build your rigs with complex setups involving xpresso and scripting from scratch, along with numerous workflow tips, including advice from seasoned professional.
This training is for medium and advanced users, and can be watched as a single training, however, watching Vol.1 and Vol.2 is highly recommended due to heavy usage of acquired knowledge from those trainings.
Training vol.3: Rigging, Xpresso and Scripting
So you think rigging is complicated? You’ll find, with this tutorial, it’s actually much easier than it appears at first glance.
Find out with this unique, mind blowing training how to rig your characters, create setups with Xpresso and learn how to use scripting the easy way. This is only a small portion of the wonders inside!
This training is packed with valuable information and will open your eyes to an amazing toolset that lies inside Cinema 4D. A toolset that can truly take your skills to the next level.
You will learn how to build your rigs with complex setups involving xpresso and scripting from scratch, along with numerous workflow tips, including advice from seasoned professional.
Training vol.4: Mograph Demystified
Mograph is king of motion graphics, but I bet you did not know that with Mograph you can create far more than you might think. Prepare to be amazed by te possibilites it offers, and explore Mograph as a platform for expressing creativity and also, as a concept, visualization, sound, animation and technical developing tool. In this training you will explore Mograph in depth and use it’s unparalleled power and flexibility to create stunning effects and setups. After completing this unique training you will master the knowledge to use Mograph in full on your own projects. Here is a short video of what is inside:
Training vol.5: Mastering Movement
In this comprehensive, in depth training volume we will explore all aspects of animation and new CA/TD tools in Cinema 4D. From Animation crash course, Character builder and sophisticated Cmotion, to NLA, motion clips, motion capturing and retargeting, all the way to creating reusable assets with component tag and building manual walkcycle. What is also covered is expansion of possibilites for all aspects of Cinema 4D through parametric action access, geometry creation through Mograph generators, mechanical setups, Advanced Cmotion and much more.
Master Project 1: Realistic Human Modeling
How to model a head? an ear? lips? hand? maybe leg or two? have lots of triangles and messy geometry? Dont know how to start and you constantly run into problems and can’t really get into character modeling? Here is your solution.
Gain insight in high end workflows and techniques in this fantastic training. The training is project based in depth modeling course of a complete female character from scratch, that is built for rigging and animation purposes. Training can be followed independently of other trainings we offer however Vol.1 should be watched to be able to follow with ease. You can expect high-end modeling techniques including fantastic quad solving, topology guidance, upscaling/downscaling, detailing, referencing, golden ratio structuring and much more.
Master Project 2: Realistic Human Rigging
In this training we will tackle one of the most difficult tasks imaginable – rigging a realistic human from scratch with accessories. We will start by creating joints, then proceed with various setups for automated behavior and natural appearance of the character.
We will create the final result with multitude of tools inside Cinema4D ranging from IK/FK, SplineIK, Constrains, Posemorph, weighting, mirroring, Mograph, deformers and Vertex maps to advanced setups made by Effectors, Tracers, Xpresso and Coffee. In the training we will create custom controllers and interface for our specific needs, and also both cloth and hair for our character and combine that into fully functional rig.