本视频教程是由zackpetroc机构出品的人物角色塑造大师班视频教程,Zack Petroc Character Creation Master Class,大小:2.28 GB,语言:英语。
ZBrush 是一个数字雕刻和绘画软件,它以强大的功能和直观的工作流程彻底改变了整个三维行业。在一个简洁的界面中,ZBrush 为当代数字艺术家提供了世界上最先进的工具。以实用的思路开发出的功能组合,在激发艺术家创作力的同时,ZBrush 产生了一种用户感受,在操作时会感到非常的顺畅。ZBrush 能够雕刻高达 10 亿多边形的模型,所以说限制只取决于的艺术家自身的想象力。
Zack Petroc Character Creation Master Class
Join Zack Petroc for a rare Master Class that will give you the knowledge and techniques to take your craft and career to the next level. From cutting edge Studio work flows, to design principles that will redefine your approach to character creation, Zack will mentor his students through the process of designing, sculpting, and retopologizing a production ready character at a heightened level of artistic execution.
Crafting a “story” based character
Form follows function
Growing your art and career
Telling story through form
The silhouette
Creating cloth & accessories
Sculpt overs
Evaluate Straights and Curves
Rhythms and Gestures of the figure
Organized Topology
Improving your knowledge of effective design
And much, much more