这个模型集合是由Evermotion机构出品,包括40非常精细的电子产品3D模型,包含纹理和材质的专业模型。你会发现这里的电子产品种类繁多,包括:手机、台式电脑、笔记本电脑、数码摄像机、游戏机等。现在准备好使用了吗,只要把他们放到你的场景即可。格式:C4D渲染和Cinema4D R11.5的或更高(带有纹理和着色器)Ray渲染器和Cinema4D R11.5对象(带有纹理和着色器)
Evermotion Archmodels Vol.78
This collection includes 40 highly detailed models of small electrionic appliances with all textures, shaders and materials.
It is ready to use, just put it into your scene.
Scenes are not included.
object prepared for C4d renderer and Cinema 4D R11.5 or higher (with textures and shaders)