本合辑是由CGAxis机构出品的树木3D模型合辑,CGAxis Models Volume 5,大小:647.33 MB,格式:max VRay,共二十个精美树木模型。。
CGAxis Models Volume 5
GAXIS models volume 5 containing 20 highly detailed models of tress.
Included textures and materials for: max VRay.
Compatible with 3ds max 2008 or higher.
1. Horse-Chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum .
2. Horse-Chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum .
3. Norway Maple Acer platanoides .
4. Norway Maple Acer platanoides .
5. Red Maple Acer rubrum .
6. Red Maple Acer rubrum .
7. Small-leaved Lime Tilia cordata
8. Silver Maple – Acer saccharum
9. Crack Willow – Salix fragilis
10. Tulip Tree – Liriodendron tulipifera
11. Black Locust – Robina pseudoacacia
12. Sour cherry – Prunus cerasus
13. Ginkgo – Gingko biloba
14. Silver Birch – Betula pendula
15. Pedunculate Oak – Quercus robur
16. White Willow – Salix alba
17. European Rowan – Sorbus aucuparia
18. European Larch – Larix decidua
19. Scots Pine – Pinus silvestris
20. Momi Fir – Abies firma