 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Xfrog最强Maya植物插件 三版本

Xfrog是用来创建结构的3D软件,其主要用来对树木、花朵、灌木丛、有机生物体、建筑及抽象生物体进行建模及动画的创作。xfrog提供的模型库有超过600种植物。所有的树叶、枝乾、花朵等都采用实物扫描,更为真实。采用开放的光年(Light Years)系统,超越L-SYSTEM,更快,更易控制,用户可以自行输入扫描的叶片或花朵等素材。



分公司对象 - 创建多层次的分支非常现实的增长与结构。动画从种子到成年树。

Phyllotaxis对象 - 安排组件使用的数学“黄金分割”。例如向日葵的花瓣和种子模式。

水润对象 - 用户定义的专门排列在圆形图案组成部分。广泛的用途。

曲率对象 - 创建可作为自然弯曲的叶子或枝条的基础样条。一个非常强大的除了玛雅。

变异对象 - 结合与科不同的对象,Phyllotaxis和Hydra对象,比如你可以使用不同的叶子散落在整个树,或任何变化,你需要更高的现实主义排序。

向性对象 - 强大的照片和向地模拟器的拉超过动画和力量无限用户控制对重力和光对整个层次结构。

Xfrog 5 for Maya 2012 (Win/Linux/Mac)

Xfrog 5 adds many new Procedural Objects to Maya. By combining these with Maya components/objects you can create a wide variety of organic models and animations based on the building blocks of Nature.

These powerful Xfrog tools are added to your Maya modeling shelf :

Branch Object - Create multi-level branching structures with extremely realistic growth. Animate from seed to adult tree.

Phyllotaxis Object - Arrange components using the mathematical “golden section”. e.g. a sunflower’s petals and seed patterns.

Hydra Object - Arranges components in user defined specialized circular patterns. a wide variety of uses.

Curvature Object - Creates Splines which can be used as a basis for naturally curved leafs or twigs. A very powerful addition to Maya.

Variation Object - Combine different Objects with the Branch, Phyllotaxis and Hydra Objects, for example you can use different leaves scattered throughout a tree, or any sort of variations that you need for higher realism.

Tropism Object - Robust Photo and Gravitropism Simulator which pulls the entire hierarchy towards gravity and towards light, with infinite user controls over animation and strength.


资源名称: Xfrog最强Maya植物插件 三版本

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