 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Ambiera CopperCube图形化3D场景编辑软件V5.5版

本软件是由Ambiera机构出品的Ambiera CopperCube图形化3D场景编辑软件V5.5版,大小:34 MB,支持Win系统,语言:英语。

Coppercube 是一种创建交互式 3D 场景的简单工具 .可制作从最简单三维全景到复杂的完整的三维游戏。 编辑您在 Coppercube 编辑器中的 3D 场景。在编辑器中创建的 3D 几何图形或从其它 3D 建模工具导入它。适用于场景中项目的冲突设置、 纹理、 材料和其他。选择一个目标 ,然后单击发布以测试您的 3d 场景。

Coppercube可将场景、资源、逻辑直接导出成引擎支持的场景文件,不需编写一行代码即可生成简单的游戏或应用。自带编辑器,无需编程即可做游戏.可直接由Irrlicht引擎导出flash-swf(非静态渲染,CopperCube flash-3D引擎的实时三维)或独立的windows-exe文件.

用户可以在任何程序设计语言中通过CopperCube 3应用Stage3D,而且无需编写任何代码。你可以在不用编程的情况下创造游戏,3D模型审查,建筑可视化以及产品的配置。


CopperCube is an editor for creating 3D apps, games and 3D websites. Import or create your 3D models, set camera controllers, materials, behaviors, click ‘publish’ and your app is ready. Create everything from simple model viewers to full 3D games. As WebGL websites, Flash .swfs, Mac OS, Windows, or Android apps. You can do all this without programming.

Import 3D files from your favourite 3D modelling package

CopperCube imports 22 file formats, for example from Lightwave, 3DS Max, Maya, Blender, Milkshape, Truespace, DeleD or AutoCAD. After import, you can correct the models and its materials directly in CopperCube, or hot-update them if you change them in your 3d modelling software.

No Programming necessary!

Creating interactive 3D scenes can be done using CopperCube without the need to write one single line of code. There are even selectable behaviors for artificial intelligence controlled enemies.

Scripting API for advanced users

If you want to use code to create your games and apps, you can of course also use CopperCube’s integrated scripting API. Using javascript, you can create your own Actions and Behaviors, and share them freely with others, or even run any javascript code on-the-fly, using the Execute javascript action. Also, on the Flash target, you can use ActionScript 3 additionally.

Create everything from Model Viewers to full Games

CopperCube is ideal for creating 3D educational programs, architectural visualizations, military simulations, product configurators, games, e-learning applications and 3D prototypes. There is no limit in what can be created with CopperCube.

WebGL editor

CopperCube is the WebGL editor: It was the first full 3D editor to create interactive WebGL scenes, and has accumulated so much knowledge of WebGL that it is today probably the best editor for creating WebGL 3D scenes and games.


资源名称: Ambiera CopperCube图形化3D场景编辑软件V5.5版

本站编号:  YJ2008

百度网盘1: 下载链接 访问码 atxh

解压密码:  CGTSJ-Yyv4d0FJf5Bse856SZh5GKYJ

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