 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> 3D-Coat数字雕刻软件V4.7.09版

本软件是由3d-coat机构出品的3D-Coat数字雕刻软件V4.7.09版,大小:560 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

3d-coat 这是由乌克兰开发的数字雕塑软件,是专为游戏美工设计的软件,它专注于游戏模型的细节设计,集三维模型实时纹理绘制和细节雕刻功能为一身,可以加速细节设计流程,在更短的时间内创造出更多的内容。只需导入一个低精度模型,3D-Coat便可为其自动创建UV,一次性绘制法线贴图、置换贴图、颜色贴图、透明贴图、高光贴图。最大材质输出支持4096*4096做到真正的无缝输出。



3D COAT V4.7.09 WIN X64

Key Features:

– New Physically Based Shader. Now GGX lighting natively supported.

This means:

– Almost all Voxel Shaders are PBR compatible now. Each shader has rich set of parameters, including different textures, SSS, Gloss, Metalness, Cavity and Bulge settings. Very good support of cavity and bulge is present in realtime.

– All PBR shaders effects (except pseudo SSS effect) are exactly baked into paint room.

– PicMat-s are also present but it is not guaranteed that they will be baked correctly, so use them only on intermediate stage.

– GGX exact support means compatibility with most of current game and render engines.

– Painting over mesh is “as is” without modulation on background shader color. But painting over layer 0 is disabled for Voxels/Surface.

Several drawbacks:

– Old shaders are disabled because shaders system was completely re-made.

– Old panoramas are disabled, you will need to add them as HDR or EXR files from scratch.

– Multiple maps Baking, including AO, SSS.

– New Export Constructor. It allows to pack many channels into one texture in custom way. It helps to adopt 3D-Coat’s texture export for any render or game engine.

– Anti-aliased painting introduced everywhere: Vertex Painting, PPP, MV, Ptex. It is applied to stencils, materials, brushes, text, curved pictures.

– New low-poly modeling Retopo Tools: Cut and Connect, Extrude faces, extrude vertices, Intrude, Shell.

– New Primitives Added: screws, spirals, etc with rich Options set.

– 3D-Printing Export function included in PRO version.

Paint Room Changes:

– Per-Pixel Painting speed essentially increased especially for big texture resolution, big polygons, materials dependent on cavity.

– Export of metalness is possible in Gloss/Specular color workflow as well.

– New import option for PPP: Import each material as separate UV set.

– Relative paths to textures in exported OBJ files.

– When paint with Smart Materials depth channel will replace current one on this layer instead of constant growing.

– Color picker gets color from everywhere on screen. In color picker dialog clicking outside the picker window will pick color as well. “V” hotkey works there as well.

– Group # instead of Layer # for default names for paint groups.

– RMB->Share item/folder works correctly for PBR materials.

– Image may be directly dropped onto Smart material editor slots.

Sculpt Room Changes:

– Nice bevel in primitives with “sector” option.

– Smoother/angulator/subdivide got 3d lasso in e-panel.

– Non-boolean merge all/merge subtree.

– “Ignore back faces” works for Move tool in surface mode.

– LMB/RMB/MMB outside of Sculpt RMB menu will close the menu instead of sculpting action.

– Tools in space panel adjusted in a bit more logical order.

– When select a volume via H key VoxTree will be scrolled to show selected volume.

– Geometry -> Retopo mesh->Sculpt mesh option.

Retopo/UV Room Changes:

– Retopo shaders are PBR-compatible, retopo model lit in correspondence with panorama.

– Extrude faces, extrude vertices, Intrude, Shell implemented for retopo/select/faces mode.

– Free extrude command in select/edges retopo toolset.

– “Conform retopo” improved – Undo works correctly and retopo mesh visible during transformations.

– Shift in Add/Split and Quads tools will cap the hole.

– ESC in retopo/transform will not clear selection.

– Flip faces command in retopo/select.

– Clear selection command in Retopo/Select path.

– ENTER in retopo transform/extrude tools will commit extrusion.

– Selection retopo transform gizmo got “Auto in local space” checkbox.

– Edge loops with SHIFT + click in retopo/select/edges mode.

– Move via brush tool in retopo room will not snap vertex to cursor position even if there is only one vertex in brush.

– Contours for cutting may be saved in UV and Retopo rooms, look in Commands->Save contour. Files may be saved as EPS or DXF. It is very useful for real thing production – like shoes or acrylic details.

– Cut and Connect for low-poly modeling in retopo room.

– Material navigation in UV mapping mode tweaked (Speed of transformation).

– There is possibility to bake Sculpt objects onto current paint mesh. Retopo->Update paint mesh. It will keep painted textures and update normalmap and layers related to Sculpt volumes. It simplifies workflow when you need to change something in geometry on very late stage. Also you may bring paint mesh to sculpt room directly using Geometry->Paint mesh->Sculpt mesh.

– Re-organized retopo commands a bit – separated commands applicable to current tool and to whole mesh.

Render Room Changes:

– Rendering quality in render room improved. Now all samples are summarized with gamma correction that leads to much better visual result.

– Corrected diffuse component rendering. It result with more contrast and pretty lighting. Now PBR looks really better and is well compatible with other engines.

– Several new panoramas.

Other/General Changes:

– New splash screen.

– CUDA and non-CUDA version unified, now all choice performed automatically.

– Drag&Dropped 3dcpack files will be installed automatically.

– Faster initial loading.

– Faster switching between panoramas.

– RMB over object during navigation will not trigger RMB menu.

– If you you are in 3D selection E-mode, loading spline will not switch you to 2D spline mode. Transforming 3D spline with gizmo is also allowed.

– Several options for padding method in Preferences.

– More/less button supported for stencils.

– Scripting updated, see Vox object and manual.



资源名称: 3D-Coat数字雕刻软件V4.7.09版

本站编号:  YJ2103

百度网盘1: 下载链接 访问码 an9q


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