Delcam CRISPIN 是一基于 PC 运行的专业制鞋 CAD/CAM 系统,包含从鞋楦、鞋款设计到 2D 样板工程、 级放和鞋片切割等多个软件模块,每个模块都可以独立运行,为制鞋企业提供了一套快速、有效地进行鞋类 2D、3D 设计、造型、逆向工程、放码、制造(包括工艺)的最强大、最全面的解决方案。Delcam CRISPIN Orthopaedic 矫形和定制鞋 CAD/CAM 系统更是该领域的一款绝对领先的产品。
Delcam CRISPIN 软件强劲、灵活的功能,使鞋业设计师能解除传统设计方法的约束,最大限度地发挥他们的创造性。有了它,制鞋厂商能显著缩短新款鞋的上市时间,提高市场份额,增加公司利润。
Delcam CRISPIN 产品特点:
● 支持多种数据输入方式
● 精确鞋楦测量工具
● 快速、精确的楦面展平
● 交互、灵活的装饰件设计平台
● 直接在鞋楦上进行 3D 鞋款设计
● 3D 款式线条精确展平到 2D
● 将现有设计款式套用在别的鞋楦上,可快速生成一个全新的样式
● 完全用户化精准级放
● 广告质感的设计效果图
● 输出快速成型所需的 STL 模型
● 使用模板系统快速、简便地生成工艺图
● 快速简便地切割鞋片并输出到众多的切割机
Delcam在制鞋业有大量的用户和极高的声誉, Nike , adidas , CONVERSER 、 Reebok 、 ECCO 、 Clarks 、 RED WING 、 MODA 、台湾宝成、台湾丰泰、泰国 PANTECH GROUP 制鞋集团等都是 Delcam 用户,用户总数多达 3500 个以上。
Delcam是世界领先的专业CAD/CAM软件公司,为全球客户提供世界领先技术和一流专业服务。CRISPIN 是制鞋业公认的全球领先的鞋类设计与制造软件系统。
Delcam CRISPIN为制鞋业提供全球唯一的鞋业CADCAM全面解决方案,它为鞋类企业各设计部门,开发部门,制造部门和供应商提供了一个统一的工作平台,帮助鞋类企业加速设计开发和制造进程,显著缩短新鞋款的上市时间,提高市场份额,增加公司利润。
Delcam CRISPIN为您提供全面,功能强大,易学易用的鞋类设计与制造解决方案,为鞋类企业提供了必要的工具,帮助他们开发出高质量鞋款。
Delcam CRISPIN 是全球制鞋行业中唯一能够提供完整鞋类产品全流程解决方案的软件系统。
Delcam CRISPIN 提供如下解决方案....
ShoeMaker is the design tool for creating realistic 3D concept designs for commercial approval, which incorporates the upper and sole design within a single environment. All combined tools allow you to quickly and easily produce 3D concept designs that can be rendered or prototyped.
Delcam CRISPIN ShoeMaker Pro is the easy to use and learn solution for concept footwear design and sole/mould engineering. ShoeMaker Pro incorporates the Delcam PowerSHAPE Pro tribrid modelling kernel, with advanced 3D engineering functionality for producing accessories, sole units, heels and moulds, plus functionality for morphing, texture wrapping and EVA grading. ShoeMaker Pro is the only 3D CAD solution that integrates the last upper and sole in the same single environment. ShoeMaker Pro replaces Delcam CRISPIN ShoeDesign and SoleEngineer as the product of choice for 3D concept footwear design and sole unit engineering
- Delcam Crispin LastMaker 2012 R1 SP1
LastMaker Pro has the same last modification functionality as LastMaker, but also includes PowerSHAPE Pro in the product bundle.
LastMaker Pro is the standard LastMaker product bundled together with Delcam PowerSHAPE Pro. This product combination provides you with all the digital last modification functionality of LastMaker, plus the advanced tools of the PowerSHAPE Pro tribrid (surface, triangle and faceted triangle) modelling kernel, including morphing, texture wrapping and wire frame editing with intelligent cursor, so there are no limits to what can be achieved.
- Delcam Crispin TechPac 2012 R2
TechPac is an extermely easy to use documentation solution for producing Technical Packages for footwear manufacturing operations and assembly sequences. A series of diagrams can be created to provide a pre-lasting assembly guideline for the factory operator.
Each diagram can provide technical detailing about the upper component, the type of machine to use and the operation sequence using tables, text and images. Technical legends can also be inserted to describe the details of a skiving or closing operation. HTML or PDF reports can be produced for the complete technical packge, by department or individual operation. There is also additional functionality to assess and calculate the visible material areas of a shoe.
About Delcam plc
Delcam is a world-leading developer and supplier of advanced CADCAM software, with more than 35,000 customers in over 80 countries. These clients vary from global names like Nike, Boeing and Mattel to small start-ups and individual craftsmen. Founded 30 years ago, we are the largest developer of product development software in the UK, with subsidiaries in Europe, America and Asia. Our global success has been recognised with many awards, including three Queen’s Awards for Enterprise in the last six years.
资源名称: 专业制鞋 CADCAM 系统
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