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RealView MDK开发工具源自德国Keil公司,被全球超过10万的嵌入式开发工程师验证和使用,是ARM公司目前最新推出的针对各种嵌入式处理器的软件开发工具。 RealView MDK集成了业内最领先的技术,包括μVision3集成开发环境与 RealView编译器。支持ARM7、ARM9和最新的Cortex-M3核处理器,自动配置启动代码,集成Flash烧写模块,强大的 Simulation设备模拟,性能分析等功能,与ARM之前的工具包ADS等相比,RealView编译器的最新版本可将性能改善超过20%。

RealView MDK出众的价格优势和功能优势,势将成为ARM软件开发工具的标准,预计一年之内,RealView MDK将占有国内ARM开发工具市场的90%以上。

Keil (An ARM Company) 公司开发的ARM开发工具MDK(Microcontroller Development Kit),是用来开发基于ARM核的系列微控制器的嵌入式应用程序。它适合不同层次的开发者使用,包括专业的应用程序开发工程师和嵌入式软件开发的入门者。MDK包含了工业标准的Keil C编译器、宏汇编器、调试器、实时内核等组件,支持所有基于ARM的设备,能帮助工程师按照计划完成项目。

还不了解RealView MDK的朋友,先让我们来看看其显著的八大特性及优点:

(1)特性:μVision3 Simulator是唯一可以仿真所有片上外设的调试器。




(3)特性:μVision3 Simulator提供的代码覆盖特性给出了程序执行的统计分析信息。




(5)特性:μVision3 IDE可集成其他的第三方工具如VCS、CASE及FLASH/Device编程。


(6)特性:ULINK USB-JTAG Adapter支持调试及以可配置的算法文件进行Flash编程。




(8)特性:μVision3 集工程管理、编辑及调试于同一环境。


The MDK-ARM is a complete software development environment for Cortex-M, Cortex-R4, ARM7 and ARM9 processor-based devices. MDK-ARM is specifically designed for microcontroller applications, it is easy to learn and use, yet powerful enough for the most demanding embedded applications.


- Complete support for Cortex-M, Cortex-R4, ARM7, and ARM9 devices

- Industry-leading ARM C/C++ Compilation Toolchain

- μVision4 IDE, debugger, and simulation environment

- Keil RTX deterministic, small footprint real-time operating system (with source code)

- TCP/IP Networking Suite offers multiple protocols and various applications

- USB Device and USB Host stacks are provided with standard driver classes

- Complete GUI Library for embedded systems with graphical user interfaces

- ULINKpro enables on-the-fly analysis of running applications and records every executed Cortex-M instruction

- Complete Code Coverage information about your program's execution

- Execution Profiler and Performance Analyzer enable program optimization

- Numerous example projects help you quickly become familiar with MDK-ARM's powerful, built-in features

- CMSIS Cortex Microcontoller Software Interface Standard compliant

MDK-ARM is available in four editions: MDK-Lite, MDK-Basic, MDK-Standard, and MDK-Professional. All editions provide a complete C/C++ development environment and MDK-Professional includes extensive middleware libraries.

About Keil

Keil was founded in 1985 to market add-on products for the development tools provided by many of the silicon vendors. It soon became evident that there was a void in the marketplace that must be filled by quality software development tools. It was then that Keil implemented the first C compiler designed from the ground-up specifically for the 8051 microcontroller.

In October 2005, Keil (Keil Elektronik GmbH in Munich, Germany, and Keil Software, Inc. in Plano, Texas) was acquired by ARM. Read more about the Keil acquisition.

Since the acquisition, ARM has continued the development and support of Keil products for existing 8051, 251, and C166 markets. In addition, we have driven innovation to support and significantly improve software development around ARM processor-based devices.

Today, the Keil development tools are used by a wide range of developers building software applications for end products targeting diverse vertical markets such as Aerospace, Banking, Healthcare, Automotive, Transportation, Manufacturing, Consumer, Military and Telecommunications.


资源名称: RealView MDK开发工具4.60

本站编号:  YJ540

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