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本插件是videocopilot机构出品的AE三维插件Element3dV1.6MacOSX版,VideoCopilot Element 3D v1.6.448 MacOSX x64,大小:96 MB,支持AECS3, CS4, CS5, CS6软件,支持MacOSX64位版本,语言:英语。

Element 3D 新版本V1.6再次的到来,本次更新的许多的新特性,当然也修复了许多的BUG,(新版本又新增了几个相当强大的功能,比如可以随意自动生成Null Object,这样再也不用担心找不到位置了,还有可以合成二维图层的遮罩功能,还有很多实用的新功能。

Element 3D是videocopilot机构出品的强大AE插件,支持3D对象在AE中直接渲染的引擎。


该插件具有real time rendering(实时渲染)的特性,即在制作3D效果过程中可以直接在屏幕上看到渲染结果,CG运算的效率得以大幅提升。另外,相比较于传统的AE针对3D动画合成中出现各种繁琐的操作,如摄像机同步、光影匹配等等,Element 3D可以让特效师直接在AE里面完成,而不需要考虑摄像机和光影迁移的问题。配合After Effects内置的Camera Tracker(摄像机追踪)功能,可以完成各类复杂的3D后期合成特效。

Element 3D是VideoCopilot出品的一款3D插件,它并不发射粒子,但可以通过导入3D模型,建立粒子阵列,通过插件,可以控制3D粒子的材质、灯光以及运动等等。它通过open GL显卡加速渲染,所以渲染速度比一般的3D软件要快捷很多。更重要的是,它可以直接在AE里面就可以控制3D粒子,可以直接使用AE中的灯光,摄像机,景深,运动模糊等等功能控制3D模型或是3D粒子群,让只在AE中就可以完成3D场景的建设和渲染,是一款快速提高工作效率不可多得的高级插件。

VideoCopilot Element 3D v1.6.448 MacOSX x64

Element 3D V1.6 has some cool new features and a bunch of stability and bug fixes.

One of my favorite features has to be the world position pass which allows you to create a 3D matte for compositing other layers with Element 3D Objects. Since Element 3D and plug-ins like Particular have their own 3D space, getting them to interact can be a bit tricky. But with the World Position pass you can easily combine Particle and stock footage in a snap.

Unlike a normal Z pass the World Position Pass does not rely on camera distance so your matte will stay spatially correct. Think of it as an XYZ-Pass!

With a normal Z-depth compositing you can only place a layer in front or behind objects in front of the camera. But World Position Mattes can be rotated and moved around with ease. A short tutorial will be released to show how easy this feature works and some other new features as well!

Content Pack:

Pro Shaders

Fresh Food Pack

Metropolitan Pack

Money & Casino Pack

Motion Design Pack

Projectile Weapons Pack

Sound & Music Pack

Sports Pack

Install Notes:

- k/ed plug is 64bit only

1) Install -> ElementInstaller 1.6

2) Copy/Overwrite Element.plugin -> /Applications/Adobe After Effects CS "XX"/Plug-ins/VideoCopilot

3) Open After Effects and create a new Composition, then a Solid and apply Element, a pop-up screen will show up.

4) Click on Generate Request File ( save your request wherever you want ) DON'T CLOSE After Effects.

5) Run "Element 3D Keygen" and Generate a License ( you'll find it on your desktop : "E3D_16.license" )

6) Now go back to After Effects and Load the License you just created.

7) That's it ! ( this License activate also Every 3D Model Pack and Pro-Shaders + Metropolitan )


Element 3D相关资源:

《Element3d V1.6完美破解版》Video Copilot Element 3D v1.6 Win

AE三维插件Element3dV1.6MacOSX版 VideoCopilot Element 3D v1.6.448 MacOSX x64

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《音乐奏乐用品3D模型合辑》Video Copilot Sound & Music Pack

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《弹丸武器3D模型合辑》Video Copilot Projectile Weapons Pack

《动态材质设计3D模型合辑》Video Copilot Motion Design Pack

《生鲜食品水果3D模型合辑》Video Copilot Fresh Food Pack

《体育运动3D模型合辑》Video Copilot Sports Pack


资源名称: AE三维插件Element3dV1.6MacOSX版

本站编号:  YJ723

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