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本软件是由smithmicro机构出品的CG人物造型设计软件V2014SR2.1版,Smith Micro Poser Pro 2014 SR2.1,大小:1 GB,语言:英语。

Smith Micro Poser是一款人体三维动画制作软件,俗称“人物造型大师”。它提供了丰富多彩的人体三维模型,使用这些模型可轻松快捷地设计人体造型和动作,免去了人体建模的繁琐工作。

Smith Micro Poser 适合於多数 2D 与 3D 二者领域的制作环境, 提供综合专业等级应用的特点和功能, 64 位元算图引擎,和网路算图支持。 Poser Pro 的基本要求 ─ 减少设计和制作时间以及使用成千上万的设置和贴图素材的 3D 模型。

Smith Micro Poser 带来具有影响力的3D角色设计,并且创造了角色细致与生动的无限可能。提供制作角色所需的美工技术丶插图说明丶虚拟影像丶动画绘制丶漫画丶网站制作丶版画印刷丶教育知识丶医学显像丶美容整形丶游戏丶故事架构…等素材。

Smith Micro Poser Pro 2014 SR2.1

Poser Pro 2014 provide new professional level features, even at the base version of the software. The integration of Pixar's OpenSubdiv library enables artists to define subdivision levels by prop, figure or even individual body part with ease. This feature, known as Subdivision Surfaces, improves bending accuracy, smoothens polygonal surfaces and boosts overall performance by enabling lighter poly-count content. Poser's new Bullet Physics tool simulates rigid body dynamics, soft body dynamics and even dynamic strand-based hair. Poser artists can now add jiggle and bounce to any prop or character, paint soft body constraint weights to animate and more. Users can even preview their animations in real-time with the Live Simulation feature.

Comic Book Preview Mode and new Fitting Room:

Poser's new Comic Book Preview Mode enables illustrators to create color or black and white comic art with improved line control and outlines with persistent shading, even when rotating or animating their point of view. Users can also interactively fit existing clothing and props to any Poser figure with Poser Pro's Fitting Room, which provides five intelligent methods that interactively loosen, tighten, smooth and preserve soft and rigid features. With the click of a single button, designers can generate a new conforming clothing item, using the original figure's rig, complete with full morph transfer.

About Smith Micro Software, Inc. - Productivity and Graphics Group:

Based in Santa Cruz, Calif., the Smith Micro Software Productivity and Graphics Group produces award-winning software that inspires consumer creativity and enables efficiency. The group's creative suite of programs provides artists of all skill levels – from novice to professional – with the tools to illustrate, animate and create 2D and 3D art. Some of the Productivity and Graphics Group's award-winning creative and utilities products include Poser, Anime Studio, Manga Studio and StuffIt.


资源名称: CG人物造型设计软件V2014SR2.1版

本站编号:  YJ751

百度网盘1: 下载链接 访问码 w0o1

解压密码:  CGTSJ-YsnCCRhzDi32iZ734N9hPJfJ

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