 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Mudbox钢铁侠头盔制作训练视频教程

本视频教程是由Udemy机构出品的Mudbox钢铁侠头盔制作训练视频教程,Udemy Mudbox Painting the Ironman Head Gear,时长:2小时,大小:560 MB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Mudbox,作者:Isaac Yap,共13个章节,,语言:英语。

Autodesk® Mudbox™数字雕刻和纹理绘制软件能够让艺术家自由地创作三维数字作品,无需担心技术细节问题。Mudbox由游戏、电影和设计行业的专业艺术家设计,它拥有极为直观的界面和一套强大的模板和笔刷工具集,能够帮助用户打造超逼真的三维角色、美观的环境和道具。

Udemy Mudbox Painting the Ironman Head Gear

Welcome to the world of 3D painting and be amazed to paint stunning details on the hi-tech Ironman Head Gear !

What is the “Mudbox Painting the Ironman Head Gear”course about?

This exciting course is about learning the Mudbox Paint Tools particularly in 3D paint hard surface object such as robots, spaceships, machines, etc.

What kind of materials are included?1. A series of video tutorials2. A downloadable ZIP file that contains Maya & Mudbox lesson files of the Ironman Head Gear.

How long to complete?Less than 3 hours to understand and practice the painting skills.

How is this course structured?It is mainly a hands-on learning experience whereby you paint the hear gear while viewing the videos. The series of video tutorials flows in an orderly manner to lead you to the completion. You can also jump start to your preferred stage at any time.

Take “Mudbox Painting the Ironman Head Gear” course now and have a wonderful IRONMANLY 3D Painting experience !

What are the requirements?



资源名称: Mudbox钢铁侠头盔制作训练视频教程

本站编号:  ZH1079

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