本软件是关于3D-Coat数字雕刻软件V4.8.23版,大小:850 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。
3d-coat 这是由乌克兰开发的数字雕塑软件,是专为游戏美工设计的软件,它专注于游戏模型的细节设计,集三维模型实时纹理绘制和细节雕刻功能为一身,可以加速细节设计流程,在更短的时间内创造出更多的内容。
3DCoat数字雕刻基础核心训练视频教程:3DCoat is the one application that has all the tools you need to take your 3D idea from a block of digital clay all the way to a production ready, fully textured organic or hard surface model.Key Features:– Possibility to attach Smart Materials to layers! Materials managing becomes even easier.– Improved Curvature calculation. This is crucial for Smart Materials to be looking even more realistic.– New Primitives in Retopo room: cylinder, torus, cube, ellipse, spiral, etc. We are getting closer and closer to a low-poly modeling!– Possibility to change resolution of textures, attached materials will automatically be re-sampled!– Smart Materials usage history.– Render scene in Renderman. Yep, you heard it right!– Proxy Slider. Set your proxy degree with an easy slider movement.– Baking Scan. Paint baking depth with brush. Now you can define with an ease of a brush stroke how big the depth of scanning will be.– 4K monitors support. Now UI elements and font size will automatically fit your screen resolution.– Rotation mode quick switch – around Y or free rotation. See navigation panel.视频预览;3DCoat数字雕刻基础核心训练视频教程: