 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Cadsoft Envisioneer Construction-Suite室内园林建筑设计软件V12.3版

本软件是关于Cadsoft Envisioneer Construction-Suite室内园林建筑设计软件V12.3版,大小:780 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。






Envisioneer中文版设计软件是一款简单好用的建筑信息模型工具,由大名鼎鼎的加拿大CADSoft公司精心打造的,envisioneer采用了人性化设计理念,不仅具备了良好的操作界面,而且,将操作步骤化繁为简,给用户提供了最简单的三维模型设计方案,如果你需要给自己的设计一个风格独特的家,就可以选择这款envisioneer设计软件,它采用了智能三维方法进行模型设计,还具备了各种文件、框架、工具材料以及各类的数据分析报告,不仅如此,envisioneer还提供了海量的资源模型,用户在这里可以快速的绘制虚拟场景,一键生成施工图、效果图、报价单等等,总之,非常实用,视频预览:HOME DESIGN SOFTWARE THAT EVERYONE CAN USE: Whether you?re a designer, builder, estimator, contractor, LBM supplier or homeowner, Envisioneer?s easy-to-use home design software makes the process of designing and building a home easy.HOW IT?S DONE: Envisioneer is a unified creative workspace and design platform where everyone uses the same 3D BIM model to design and build from concept to construction. Each of Envisioneer?s 4 products works seamlessly with different integration partners like Autodesk, SketchUp, Mitek, 2020 and more, and each comes packed with the right amount of functionality to match your project requirements and budget. Explore them all to find the right fit for you.Construction-Suite is RECOMMENDED FOR ESTIMATORS, LBM SUPPLIERS & EDUCATORS: As an estimator or building materials supplier you have multiple tasks to complete on a tight schedule: estimates and quotes that integrate with business systems, organizing roof trusses, panelized components and shipping product on time. Over the past 5 years, Envisioneer (with significant contribution from our early adopters) has become the industry leader and most complete material takeoff and design software solution available in the industry.From track housing to custom homes, the power of using a 3D digital material take off is in the simplicity of visualizing what you are estimating and quoting. All materials shipments can be organized in phases that match your shipping loads and information is automatically imported to your POS system. You have complete control to ensure the estimates match your high standards for accuracy.BILL OF MATERIALS MADE SIMPLE: Generate full material lists from your model, including cut lists and related pricing information for quick and accurate estimates. 3D takeoffs help secure new orders and identify and correct errors before they become costly material delivery mistakes.MATCH YOUR FRAMING METHODS: Walls, floors, and roof framing is laid out as you would construct your model. Match the way you frame on site with your BIM model so you can easily find conflicts to reduce waste, time and save money. Construction Suite allows building manufacturers to generate, edit and mark wall panels for construction.SEAMLESS BUSINESS INTEGRATION: From building material to delivering on-site to integrating with POS and accounting systems, you will significantly reduce duplication of data, and improve your profitability.Purchase it now for only $2,595 dollars, or use our Monthly Subscription for $169, or the Annual Subscription for $1,350


资源名称: Cadsoft Envisioneer Construction-Suite室内园林建筑设计软件V12.3版

本站编号:  ZH12871


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