 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Altair Inspire仿真设计软件V2019.0.1版

本软件是由关于Altair Inspire仿真设计软件V2019.0.1版,大小:1 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

Altair Inspire是一款非常专业的仿真设计软件。



Altair Inspire是业内最强大、最易于使用的衍生式设计/拓扑优化及快速仿真解决方案,旨在助力设计工程师快速而轻松地创建并研究结构高效型概念设计。


功能丰富的Altair Inspire 2019 版本引入了许多突破性新功能,包括:生成优化的栅格和实体-栅格混合结构、可视化 3D 仿真效果以及将栅格设计导出至 .stl 格式的文件以供 3D 打印。

查看并以交互形式分配载荷到载荷工况,以及通过.csv文件输入输出工况利用新的载荷工况表格将设计载荷导入/导出至 .csv 格式的文件。


利用新的 PolyNURBS 自适应 工具l 自动优化对 PolyNURBS CAD 几何体的适配性以生成设计结果。

Altair Inspire software is the industry’s most powerful and easy-to-use Generative Design/Topology Optimization and rapid simulation solution for design engineers. It enhances the concept development process by enabling simulation-driven design to increase your product’s efficiency, strength and manufacturability. This can lead to reduced costs, development time, material consumption, and product weight.The new feature-packed release of Altair Inspire 2018 introduces many groundbreaking new features including the ability to:-Easily generate dynamic motion of complex mechanisms, automatically identifying contacts, joints, springs and dampers. Forces obtained from a motion analysis are automatically applied as inputs to a structural analysis and optimization, or can be used to determine initial requirements for motors and actuators.-Generate optimized lattice and mixed solid – lattice structures, visualize simulation results in 3D, and export lattice designs in a .stl file format for 3D printing.-View and interactively assign loads to load cases and import / export design loads in .csv file format with the new Load Cases Table.-Design for additive manufacturing with overhang shape controls to help reduce overhangs to create more self-supporting structures.-Automatically optimize the fit of PolyNURBS CAD geometry to generative design results with the new PolyNURBS Fit Tool.


资源名称: Altair Inspire仿真设计软件V2019.0.1版

本站编号:  ZH13487


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