本教程是关于Revit城市创建与数据分析技术视频教程,时长:1小时05分,大小:550 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Revit,附源文件,共11个章节,作者:Pierre Derenoncourt,语言:英语。
AutodeskRevit作为一种应用程序提供,它结合了AutodeskRevit Architecture、AutodeskRevit MEP和AutodeskRevit Structure软件的功能。
Autodesk Revit Architecture建筑信息模型软件能够帮助建筑师和设计师自由地进行设计,提高信息的协调性和工作效率。
借助Revit Architecture,您可以不受软件束缚,自由设计建筑。
Revit® Architecture软件专为建筑信息模型(BIM)而开发,可以帮助您惬意地工作,自由地设计,高效地完成作品。
AutodeskRevit Architecture建筑设计软件可以按照建筑师和设计师的思考方式进行设计,因此,您可以开发更高质量、更加精确的建筑设计。
专为建筑信息模型而设计的AutodeskRevit Architecture,能够帮助您捕捉和分析早期设计构思,并能够从设计、文档到施工的整个流程中更精确地保持您的设计理念。
:In this series of tutorials, you'll learn how to put together all the elements you'll need to create a powerful and professional site analysis using Revit 2014. We'll begin by inserting a satellite image of a proposed building site located in a dense downtown setting where you'll see how to quickly scale your image using real world data. From there we'll create the site's infrastructure by placing streets, bridges and blocks that will really bring the site to life. Once we've completed our model, we'll then analyze the site even further by conducting a solar study to study the sun's path and its effect on our site. Finally, we'll be able to experience the scale of our site by creating a basic walkthrough of downtown. Once you've become comfortable with the concepts and techniques in this course, you'll be able to put together a high-quality site analysis presentation of your own with no problem.: