本视频教程是关于人体胳膊腿肌肉群绘画剖析视频教程,时长:1小时,大小:800 MB,MP4高清视频格式,附源文件,共6个章节,语言:英语。
Ready to learn advanced anatomy for artists?
If you enjoyed our Anatomy for Beginners course, why not take your figure drawing skills even further with Advanced Anatomy for Artists taught by professional illustrator, Francis Vallejo?
Each part of this hugely informative 6-part course comes with high quality detailed diagrams to help you learn and practice your new-found skills.
You’ll learn:
How to draw figures from the front, side, and back
How to draw all the muscle groups in the arms and legs
How to draw perfect hands and feet (and if you’ve ever had difficulties drawing these, these lessons will help clear up any confusion for good.)
How to draw a wide range of different body shapes – not just the regular ‘perfect’ bodies you see in so many other anatomy guides.
资源名称: 人体胳膊腿肌肉群绘画剖析视频教程
本站编号: ZH1457