本视频教程是由FXPHD机构出品的KATANA视觉特效技术大师班视频教程,时长:8小时,大小:1.4 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Katana,作者:Mattdleonard,共11个章节,语言:英语。
KATANA是一种用来渲染3D数据的环境,允许艺术家去自定义和控制外观、灯光,同时保持性能,即使在处理大的数据集。通过使用基于规则的方法,它的操作并不具有破坏性,因此可以让建模、外观开发、动画和灯光团队并行工作。KATANA最初是在索尼图形图像开发,用以处理日益复杂的工作流程,早在制作《贝奥武夫》和《冲浪企鹅》时已经被投入使用。KATANA的商业开发是由The Foundry在2009年年末开始的,以作为两家公司独特合作的一部分。
The Foundry的不断努力,以及和广泛用户的协商,都确保了KATANA是一个十分灵活的产品,并能够最终集成任何的工作流程和任何渲染器。能够和Nuke、皮克斯的RenderMan一起工作,都表明了它是一个非常友好的产品。这些商议已经发展到更深入的协作,包括MPC和Digital Domain这些关键站点都在使用KATANA。
索尼图形图像首席技术官Rob Bredow说,“我们十分高兴KATANA能够走出索尼图形图像,并被广大艺术家所使用。The Foundry是一个非常值得信赖的合作伙伴,扩大了KATANA的使用范围和产品支持。艺术家可以从这种创新且经过业界验证的技术中获益。”作为首个商业化的专业场景开发工具,KATANA允许设施可大可小以构建高扩展的灯光流程,而不需要内部工程计划。
This course will take a new artist through all the key features of Katana while focusing on two main projects. We’ll start by looking briefly at how to properly import data into Katana from Maya and have it organised in a way that utilises Katana’s powerful ‘Collection Expression Language’. From there we’ll learn about building and assigning Materials to geometry, creating lights via the Gaffer, setting up the renderer and defining render passes.
The first part of the course will be focused on Look Development, using an all CG shot, and the second part on Lighting, based off a live action plate. We will be going in-depth on both the standard tools and the more advanced features such as building Interactive Render Filters, Templates and Super Tools. We’ll also cover many features of RenderMan and how it seamlessly integrates with Katana.
Katana has become the key Look Dev and Lighting tool for many of the world’s top Visual Effects companies including Industrial Light and Magic, MPC, Digital Domain and of course Sony Picture Imageworks. The course has been designed for anyone interested in learning Katana for the first time or a junior level artist looking to extend their knowledge to the next level. Throughout the course we’ll be using Katana 2.1v1, RenderMan 20.6, Maya 2016 and Nuke 9.0v8 (10 when released).
The course is taught by Matt Leonard who currently lives in Vancouver, Canada. He has been in the 3D and Visual Effects industry since 1990 and has worked on movies such as Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, Godzilla and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. He learned Katana at Sony Pictures Imageworks and has been teaching it since 2013. He is a member of the Visual Effects Society and a beta tester for numerous software tools including Katana, RenderMan and Nuke. He is currently Lead Lighting Instructor at MPC.
资源名称: KATANA视觉特效技术大师班视频教程
本站编号: ZH1491