本软件是关于VectorWorks 2020建筑与工业设计软件SP2版,大小:2.5 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。
视频预览:Global design and BIM software solutions provider Vectorworks, Inc. announces the 2020 release of Vectorworks Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Fundamentals and Designer, as well as BraceworksTM and Vision.A closer lookVectorworks software design and modeling software developed by experts in Britain is excellent. The rival software programs and tools such as AutoCAD provides it. The greatest and most famous mansions and buildings and designers in Europe British architect have the software and its creators closely with architects and requiring architects of Europe and a very good and interesting to their needs in this application have met . This software product is a breakthrough and prospective suppliers, it is in the new version is much better and become more interesting Rendering environments and three-dimensional images taken of the movie and better animation software and Autodesk and AutoCAD presented.This software environment seem interesting and popular and easy application engineers and architects, and different versions of it with the architectural, mechanical design, lighting, and space environments such as forests and green environment, and .. Designer, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Fundamentals, Renderworks is provided, and the new version all together in a package is placed and the user can customize the environment to suit their application set, or the environment and tool setting and tool and the other to complete their projects. The new version also prepared a variety of models such as bolts Wu .. Table and fixtures such as doors and windows in architecture and objects in three-dimensional simulation tree like SOP Studio Max there. Most of the buildings, apartments and Tower built in the United Arabic Emirates are designed with this software《Vectorworks全面核心技术训练视频教程》中文字幕版:
资源名称: VectorWorks 2020建筑与工业设计软件SP2版
本站编号: ZH21038