 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Moody Photoshop Panel艺术特效PS扩展插件V1.1.2版

本合辑是关于Venus Retouch Pane高效人像修饰PS扩展插件V2.0版,大小:100 MB,支持Photoshop CC软件,支持Win与Mac系统,语言:英语。

Moody Photoshop Panel这款ps插件提供了各种不同的效果,包含黑白、光线增强等,一键点击即可轻松处理图像。

Moody Photoshop Panel is a panel for Adobe Photoshop that helps the user to give a perfect and professional color in just one click. Its technology allows it to adapt to any type of photos, any kind of photography can put in Moody difficulties. If you have a photo underexposed or overexposed no problem. Moody before applying any effect, it’s a color or contrast, automatically recognizes the exposure giving it the best mix between light and mood. Make your photos unique! From now just one click to give the right mood to your photos, whether you are sad or happy, no matter! We say enough to the hours spent at the computer to try to recreate an effect, thanks to hundreds of Moody advanced filters you will always find the right concept for your photos … effortlessly!DESIGNThe simple and clean design allows the user to have a unique user experience and simple.UIThe user experience is also dictated by the order of the effect divided into four categories.SETTINGSMoody also has a menu to have made settings tailored for you.ALLAPORTATA OF TuttIts functionality revolves around a click! Just search the hundreds of effects and click to apply it!MOODY COLORSThank moody colors we can choose the dominant color and sharpness that is most pleasing to our picture, these filters use a special technique that is just hitting the affected areas without giving too strong dominant.LIGHT COLORSWith advanced techniques, these filters affect only and exclusively the lights in a photo, so if a picture is lacking of light as the best way to give life?FILTERSThis section uses real filters, which, thanks to the ILC Technology (image light control) improves, in contrast, exhibits or darken your photos whatever it is the situation. You have a dark photo? Well, you apply the filter by illuminating and vice versa. This section also works on special highly sought mood today!B & WFilters that apply the technique of black and white in various solutions, from darker to lighter and fluffy!


资源名称: Moody Photoshop Panel艺术特效PS扩展插件V1.1.2版

本站编号:  ZH21994


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