 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Motion Boutique Newton 牛顿2D动力学AE插件V3版

本插件是关于Motion Boutique Newton 牛顿2D动力学AE插件V3版,大小:57 MB,格式:exe crack,包含Win与Mac版本,语言:英语。

Newton 3是一款由Motion Boutique开发的AE牛顿动力学插件,为After Effects带来了更逼真的物理效果,使二维合成图层可以像固体物体一样相互作用 - 就像在现实世界中一样。

Newton 3提供了许多方法来控制物体的属性,包括类型,密度,摩擦力,弹性和速度。


更重要的是,Newton 3允许在物体之间创建逼真的连接,轻松创建复杂的运动。

完成模拟后,动画将在After Effects中使用标准关键帧重新创建,因此您可以根据自己的选择调整时间。

主要特点:功能强大,高效的物理引擎,许多控制器:重力,摩擦力,速度支持文字,口罩和形状不同的身体类型:静态的,动态的,休眠状态的磁性骨骼直观的用户界面liquid.gifmagnet.gif3Dsquares.gifedit_joints.gifbasketballs-1.gifpinball.gifproperty_animation.gifNewton 3 brings realistic physics to After Effects, making your 2D composition layers act like solid objects that interact with each other – just like in the real world. It gives you many ways to control the properties of your objects, including type, density, friction, bounciness and velocity. You can also change world properties, like gravity. What’s more, Newton 3 allows you to create realistic joints between objects, so you can easily create complex motion. Once you complete your simulation, the animation is recreated in After Effects with standard keyframes, so you can adjust the timing however you choose. Easy, no?Newton 3 can be tested for free ! The unregistered version is fully functional but export is restricted to 25 frames. Download it and try it !视频预览:


资源名称: Motion Boutique Newton 牛顿2D动力学AE插件V3版

本站编号:  ZH21996


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