本软件是关于REVISIONFX REFLEX脸部变形特效AE插件V5.2.8 Win与Mac版,大小:60 MB,支持Win与Mac系统,语言:英语。
适用于Win版本的 After Effects 软件:CS5 – CC 2017REVisionFX RE-Flex v5更新内容:更新支持 AE CC 2017增加了 RVL NOGUI LIC和 RVL QUIT LIC 的渲染支持修复在 AE CC 2015 中的渲染错误修正已知BUG,提升了计算速率REVISIONFX REFLEX 5.2.8 WIN MACVisionFX RE:Flex brings intuitive morphing and warping to After Effects. Superior results are achieved using RE:Vision Effects’ proprietary and sophisticated technology. RE:Flex is especially easy to learn because it uses the host program’s own drawing and masking tools (when available) to direct the warping and morphing; as such, there is no need to learn a whole new user interface. Using our proprietary tracking software, RE:Flex is the first morphing program to combine hand feature-matching with automatic image registration.
资源名称: REVISIONFX REFLEX脸部变形特效AE插件V5.2.8 Win与Mac版
本站编号: ZH22065