本插件是关于Athentech Perfectly Clear图像修饰磨皮调色PS与LR插件V3.8.0.1682版,大小:50 MB,支持Photoshop与Lightroom软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。
Athentech Perfectly Clear可以让你用最简单,最快捷的方式来改善你每一照片- 节省您的时间,将你的图片处理为最高质量的照片,可以帮你把你大量的摄影照片以快速,简易的操作处理为高质量的美丽照片。
Athentech Perfectly Clear会给你和专业的后期处理照片一样的质量,Perfectly Clear会告诉你什么是专业的图片,自动给你图片准确的色彩,完美的曝光和模仿人眼的颜色的细微差别和细节保留。
演示视频:Built for precision. Made for beauty. Above all, you want better photos. But what if you could have better photos faster? Perfectly Clear has mastered the science of intelligent image correction – creating superior quality photos in record time, so you can get back to doing what you really love…in no time. Spend less time in front of your computer.With Perfectly Clear, you’ll get results faster so you can spend more time behind the camera and less time in front of the computer. Take advantage of intelligent image analysis to find and fix numerous camera flaws automatically. Plus, you can quickly add your favorite finishing touch with our stylized LOOKs.