 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Red Giant Magic Bullet Looks红巨星调色预设插件包4.0.8版

本插件包是关于Red Giant Magic Bullet Looks红巨星调色预设插件包4.0.8版,大小:220 MB,支持Win与Mac系统,支持AE/PR等后期制作软件,语言:英语。

分享来自RedGiant的magic bullet Suite,是全球销量最高的AE插件套装。


MBS的插件在andrew kramer、harry frank的教程中有过部分讲解,这次lynda将最新版本的MBS搬上课堂, 还是我们熟悉的Chad Perkins大叔亲自上阵,向大家解释套装中的插件应用方法以及案例。


尤其是非常强大的调色插件colorista II。

此次的新版更新了不少内容,而且looks2和mojo开始支持FCPX和motion 5.前者还支持sony vegas和avid media composer。


Magic Bullet looks色彩校正与预设基础技能训练视频教程:演示视频:Choose from 198 brand-new Look presets, designed to match your favorite movies and TV shows. Every preset is fully-customizable. Alter the presets by adding or removing tools along the toolchain, or just build a look from scratch by combining any of the 41 tools.PRESETS (NEW)The Looks Library has been updated with 198 new, fully-customizable presets, designed to match the latest Hollywood films and TV shows.UPDATED USER INTERFACE (NEW)Magic Bullet Looks is the most intuitive color finishing tool on the market today. Get in, choose a preset look, tweak it a bit, and get on with your workflow. Version 3.0 includes new additions like better looks management, tool presets, keyboard shortcuts and pinning tools on the toolchain when adding new looks.PROFESSIONAL SCOPESClassic color scopes like RGB Parade, Slice Graph, Hue/Saturation and Hue/Lightness, are essential to protecting your color. Along with a unique Memory Colors scope for monitoring important colors, Looks helps guide you in your color correction and grading process, like nothing else.OPEN GLMagic Bullet Looks has been rebuilt from scratch to completely take advantage of your graphics card’s GPU - giving you the color grading power you’ve come to expect in Magic Bullet Looks - but much, MUCH faster.POWERFUL TOOLSMagic Bullet Looks includes 41 tools, 9 of which are new to version 3.0. These tools go beyond the capabilities of your host application or dedicated grading software.Tools include essential color correction tools as well as beautiful camera-based effects such as Anamorphic Flare, Haze/Flare, Diffusion, Shutter Streak and more. New tools like the Color Space and Duotone give you even more control over the color grading process.FILM NEGATIVE/FILM PRINT TOOLS (NEW)Provides the look of various film stocks. These 2 tools work together to emulate the photochemical process used in motion-picture film. 22 Negative Film Stocks and 4 print stocks are included.MOJO TOOL (NEW)Based on the incredibly popular plug-in of the same name, Mojo warms up skin tones while cooling the background. An easy way to get a customized "Blockbuster" film look.COSMO TOOLCosmo gives you the ability to quickly balance skin tones, reducing wrinkles and remove skin blemishes, to make your talent look their best. Cosmo make it simple to keep skin looking natural and consistent.COLORISTA TOOL (NEW)Magic Bullet Looks 3 includes an update to the Colorista tool. It now includes a powerful 3-way color corrector, Hue, Saturation, and Luminance control for individual colors, and a Curves control, all in one tool.Magic Bullet looks色彩校正与预设基础技能训练视频教程:


资源名称: Red Giant Magic Bullet Looks红巨星调色预设插件包4.0.8版

本站编号:  ZH22355

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