本教程是关于从头开始教你影片拍摄于后期制作完整视频教程,时长:3小时30分,大小:3.2 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附源文件,教程使用软件:Final Cut Pro X,作者:Brandon Li,共32个章节,语言:英语。
分享Final Cut是苹果推出的一款非线编软件,原生64位软件,基于Cocoa编写,支持多路多核心处理器,支持GPU加速,支持后台渲染,可编辑从标清到4K的各种分辨率视频,ColorSync管理的色彩流水线则可保证全片色彩的一致性。
Final Cut Pro X、Motion以及Compressor三款软件可以配合使用,Final Cut类似于Adobe Premier用于剪辑,Motion类似于Adobe After Effects用于特效制作,Compressor用于视频导出转码。
Final Cut Pro X 在视频剪辑方面进行了大规模更新,新的Magnetic Timeline“磁性时间线”可令多条剪辑片段,如磁铁般吸合在一起。
Clip Connections片段相连功能可将B卷、音效和音乐等元素与主要视频片段链接在一起,Compound Clips可将一系列复杂元素规整折叠起来,Auditions则可将多个备选镜头收集到同一位置,循环播放来挑选最佳镜头。
Final Cut Pro X为原生64位软件,基于Cocoa编写,支持多路多核心处理器,支持GPU加速,支持后台渲染,可编辑从标清到4K的各种分辨率视频,ColorSync管理的色彩流水线则可保证全片色彩的一致性。
Final Cut Pro X的人人素材另一项主要革新是内容自动分析功能,载入视频素材后,系统可在用户进行编辑的过程中,自动在后台对素材进行分析,根据媒体属性标签、摄像机数据、镜头类型,乃至画面中包含的任务数量进行归类整理。
Don’t let a bunch of unknowns stop you from making your first film.We’ll go step by step through the making of a complete travel film, and you can look over my shoulder through the entire process.Then you’ll get to download all of the video clips from the final video and learn each step of my editing process, hands-on.If you’re a photographer making your first film, or if you just want to learn more about my thought process when I’m shooting in the real world (where mistakes do happen and things don’t go according to plan), I made this for you!THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF…You’ve always wanted to start making videos but didn’t know where to get started.You’re a photographer and you have a camera that shoots video but never ventured into video mode before.You’ve seen my videos and you want to get a more complete look at how I put it all together from start to finish.Imagine If You Could…Feel confident about being able to shoot a full video with minimal gear anywhere you go.Know how to tell a story with your videos even without having a full plan beforehand.Know how to use video editing to express yourself in your own style and voice.