 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Inventor发动机引擎机械设计实例训练视频教程

本视频教程是关于Inventor发动机引擎机械设计实例训练视频教程,时长:2小时30分,大小:970 MB,格式:MP4高清视频,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Inventor,共55个章节,作者:Harry Klause,语言:英语分享

Autodesk Inventor中有很多工具和自动化功能,帮助设计师制作详细的模型。

Adam Cooper是Autodesk认证的专家,他会为我们讲解这款软件的各个方面,让我们提高产品设计的精确度和效率。


Autodesk® Inventor™ 软件产品是AutoCAD® 软件用户增添三维设计能力,同时保护二维设计数据和AutoCAD技术专业知识投资的最佳选择。




Inventor支持设计者将现有的二维设计集成至三维设计环境中,这使他们可以轻松地重新使用这些设计数据,并与其它Autodesk制造业应用软件及其用户共享AutoCAD DWG™文件和三维设计数据。


What you’ll learn

Learn and understand the user interface

How to creating a new project

How to create sketches

How to create and modify solits

How to create an assembly


Access Autodesk Inventor

Pc with Internet connection

No prior knowledge with Autodesk Inventor is required


Hello. In this course we will focus on the basics of Inventor and instead of just looking at different tools, we will partly model an engine and at the same time, we will look at as many tools as possible. That way, you will see and use the tools in action and hopefully, understand the logic of Inventor better with this approach.

Who this course is for:

Someone who wants to learn Inventor from the beginning.

Someone who wants to improve their Inventor skills.

Someone who is intereste in 3D modeling.

Someone who wants to improve their drafting portfolio.


资源名称: Inventor发动机引擎机械设计实例训练视频教程

本站编号:  ZH24759

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