 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> 冒险家人形生物角色模型Unity3D素材资源

本游戏资料是个关于冒险家人形生物角色模型Unity3D素材资源,大小:394 MB,格式:unitypackage,使用软件:Unity,供广大设计师学习使用,语言:英语。

Unity3D是一个让你轻松创作的多平台的游戏开发工具,是一个全面整合的专业游戏引擎。Unity代表了一个质的飞跃——内置的光照贴图(lightmapping)、遮挡剔除(occlusion culling)和调试器。编辑器经过彻底革新,让你可以获得卓越的性能体验。不可思议、无法阻挡的产品已经看到了曙光。

Unity是一款跨平台的游戏开发工具,从一开始就被设计成易于使用的产品。作为一个完全集成的专业级应用,Unity还包含了价值数百万美元的功能强大的游戏引擎。Unity 4作为一个游戏开发工具,它的设计主旨就是让你能够创建令人惊讶的游戏。如果你之前尝试过Unity,请查看Unity 3都做了哪些更新。如果你是第一次尝试,那就好好看看吧,看Unity都能为你带来什么。Unity作为一种开发环境,可让你脱离传统的游戏开发方式,以一种更简单的方式专注于你的游戏开发。开发网络游戏、移动游戏、单机游戏,Unity都能完全胜任。

本帖隐藏的内容Adam Adventurer 3D Models Characters Humanoids

Mister Necturus

Requires Unity 5.1.1 or higher.


Low polygonal game ready animated model of man.

Character is perfect for a first person or 3rd person adventure game. May fight as warrior, archer, mage, rogue...

It come with many animation, and textures, but Character Controller NOT included!


115 Animation for warrior, mage, archer combats and general moves. 98 "on place" animations. And 26 animations with root motion data used by Unity Mecanim.

There are very high detailed textures. diffuse, specular, opacity and normals maps.

TIF file format 4096x4096, 2048X2048, 1024X1024.

Original 3D MAX file with rigged character in T-pose included.

Rig has 73 bones

2 Body textures (naked and with underclothes) included.

5 Hairs textures included.

Unity 5 PBS shaders.

Sample Unity Scene included.

Humanoid Mecanim ready setup.

It will work 100% precised with my Unity Medieval Animations Mega Pack and all included collections.

Easy Equipment System scripts and documentation included. Thanks for moco of for help with the equipment system!

Assset comes with 3 different character setups:

1. Use Adam_OPTIMIZED if you want to use adam as simple character with full armor and weapon sets. There are no body parts under clothes. You don't need to show or hide nothing except hair or hood. Model with all armors and weapons: 16,752 polygons, 32,923 triangles and 18,303 vertexes.

2. Use Adam_Full_Animated If you like to dress or undress Adam full or partially. There is full body under clothes. This FBX file contains all animation data which re-targets to other Adam character setups. Model with all armors and weapons: 21,644 polygons, 42,655 triangles and 23,092 vertexes. 3. Adam_Equpment_Sys Will give you ability to use character with every possible variants. It provide ability to add more clothes, hire styles, weapons and heads to this character, which makes him a good option to be used as main game character with many custom options. You can make additional equipment by yourself using 3D soft like pd MAX (.max file provided) Maya or Blender.

If you make new staff for Adam please check Easy Equipment System how to use it. Or take a look on Adam_Equipment_Sys in scene I provided.


Body parts: Head, Hair, Hands, Arms, Torso, Legs, Feet, Bread

Armor parts: Chest Armor, Hood, Gloves, Belt, Paints, Boots., Jerkin

Weapons: 2 Shields (same), 4 Swords (same), 2 Bows, Arrow in hand, Quiver with 5 arrows.



0. Mecanim pose: 0 - 0 fr.,

1. S_Drinking: 0 -55 fr.,

2. S_Eating: 56 -176 fr.,

3. S_Explanation: 177 -222 fr.,

4. S_IDLE: 223 -323 fr.,

5. S_Kiss: 324 -409 fr.,

6. S_Looking_around: 410 -586 fr.,

7. S_making_item: 587 -617 fr.,

8. S_Reject: 618 -718 fr.,

9. S_Talking_B: 719 -854 fr.,

10. S_Use_object: 855 -895 fr.,

11. M_Run: 900 -922 fr.,

12. M_Run_Jump: 923 -956 fr.,

13. M_Sneaking: 961 -1012 fr.,

14. M_strafe_run_left: 1017 -1043 fr.,

15. M_strafe_run_right: 1048 -1074 fr.,

16. M_Strife_leftt: 1079 -1114 fr.,

17. M_Strife_right: 1119 -1154 fr.,

18. M_walk: 1159 -1194 fr.,

19. M_Jump_Walking: 1199 -1229 fr.,

20. M_Walking_back_B: 1234 -1269 fr.,

21. M_Walking_With_Tourch: 1274 -1377 fr.,


22. M_combat_mode_C: 1382 -1457 fr.,

23. M_buff_spell_A: 1458 -1508 fr.,

24. M_buff_spell_B: 1509 -1599 fr.,

25. M_Drinking_potion: 1600 -1655 fr.,

26. M_fire_ball_strong_spell: 1656 -1731 fr.,

27. M_speil_fast_loop: 1732 -1762 fr.,

28. M_speil_magic_trap: 1763 -1863 fr.,

29. M_speil_summoning: 1864 -1899 fr.,

30. M_spell_Barier_start: 1900 -1918 fr.,

31. M_spell_Barier_keep: 1919 -1954 fr.,

32. M_spell_Barier_end: 1955 -1970 fr.,

33. M_spell_cast_A: 1971 -2041 fr.,

34. M_spell_curse: 2042 -2102 fr.,

35. M_spell_sleep: 2103 -2143 fr.,

36. M_Dying_A: 2144 -2184 fr.,

weapon and shield

37. 1H_PutWeapon_Back: 2189 -2229 fr.,

38. 1H_TookWeaponOut: 2230 -2270 fr.,

39. 1H_5X_Combo: 2271 -2366 fr.,

40. 1H_COMBAT_mode: 2367 -2417 fr.,

41. 1H_Hit_from_back: 2418 -2453 fr.,

42. 1H_Hit_from_front: 2454 -2489 fr.,

43. 1H_moveTOblock: 2490 -2496 fr.,

44. 1H_shield_block_keeping: 2497 -2527 fr.,

45. 1H_moveFROMblock: 2528 -2534 fr.,

46. 1H_shield_block_high_right: 2535 -2570 fr.,

47. 1H_shield_block_high_left: 2571 -2606 fr.,

48. 1H_sword_parry_high_left: 2607 -2642 fr.,

49. 1H_sword_parry_high_right: 2643 -2678 fr.,

50. 1H_sword_shield_blow: 2679 -2714 fr.,

51. 1H_sword_swing_high_left: 2715 -2750 fr.,

52. 1H_sword_swing_high_right: 2751 -2786 fr.,

53. 1H_sword_swing_high_straight_down: 2787 -2822 fr.,

54. 1H_sword_swing_low_left: 2823 -2858 fr.,

55. 1H_sword_swing_low_right: 2859 -2894 fr.,

56. 1H_sword_thrust_high: 2895 -2930 fr.,

57. 1H_Die_fall_backward: 2931 -3064 fr.,

58. 1H_Die_fall_forward: 3069 -3209 fr.,

59. 1H_banging_shield: 3214 -3234 fr.,

60. 1H_Casual_walk: 3239 -3275 fr.,

61. 1H_wal


资源名称: 冒险家人形生物角色模型Unity3D素材资源

本站编号:  ZH3101

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