本合辑是由thearender机构出品的Thea Render渲染器插件合辑V1.5.02.1371版,Thea Render v1.5.02.1371 Plus Plugins,大小:430 MB,支持Cinema4D,3dsMax,Rhino,Sketchup等软件,语言:英语。
Thea Render是一款全新的渲染器,它具有多种渲染模式,交互式渲染,独特的材质系统,先进的工作室和许多其它功能,这些花费了我们3年的研究时间,且凝聚了我们大量心血。从前年开始,这款渲染器就进入了公开测试阶段,并且可以直接在我们的官网上下载使用。通过导出插件,Thea可以被3ds Max、Blender、Cinema 4D、Rhino、SketchUp、Softimage所使用,未来还可以支持Modo。如果你想欣赏使用Thea渲染的图像,你可以在“Showreel on Youtube”或“ShowReel on Facebook”上查看,我们非常欢迎! 独特的材质系统。我们宣布了最终的产品发布日期!我们已经完成了产品开发的第一周期,解决了应用的相关问题,在这款软件中,你将会看到大量的技术创新。我们坚信,Thea Render已经达到了高水准、高稳定性的渲染效果,因此,我们决定将发布日期设定到2月21日!届时,我们也将结束有关Thea和相关插件的优惠折扣价格。确定发布日期对我们意味着很多,这将是一个崭新的起点,并使得Thea在未来的竞争中脱颖而出。此外,我们也十分兴奋Thea将为渲染带来新的改变和革命,我们坚信,Thea只会越来越好!
Thea Render v1.5.02.1371 Plus Plugins
In our continuous effort for rendering photorealistic perfection, we would like to announce the next edition v1.5 of Thea Render. The new edition introduces some important features, mainly around Thea Render material system (that you are probably already aware from our technology announcements).
Here is the list of our major new features, presented in no particular order.
Fresnel Ramp Procedural (see tech info)
Improved Shadow Catcher (see tech info)
Substance Material Converter (see tech info)
Colored Coating Absorption (see tech info)
Section Cuts (see tech info)
We are also particularly happy, because the enhancements in the material system are also accompanied with the debut of our Online Material Repository, a single place where users can upload & download materials. There was a lot of thought and work given for the repository and I am sure you are going to love it!
On top of these features, v1.5 introduces Floating Licensing support for our corporate customers and the launch of the brand new Integration for Autodesk Fusion 360 product.
Latest Updates:
– Thea Version v1.5.02.1371 [31/07/15]
– Thea For SketchUp Plugin v1.5.02.310 [31/07/15]
– Thea For Rhino Plugin v1.5.02.200 [31/07/15]
– Substance Thea Converter v1.5.205 [31/07/15]
– Thea for Cinema4D Plugin v1.5.02.169 [31/07/15]
– Thea For Fusion Plugin v1.5.01 [31/07/15]
– Thea For 3dsMax Plugin v1.5.01.138 [31/07/15]
– Thea For Blender Plugin v1.4.220 [24/02/15]