 CG资源网 >> 综合分类 >> Krakatoa粒子渲染器C4D插件V2.6.3版

本插件是由thinkboxsoftware机构出品的Krakatoa粒子渲染器C4D插件V2.6.3版,大小:160 MB,支持C4D软件,支持Win与Mac系统,语言:英语。


Frantic Films公司极富创意的制作团队借助NVIDIA®图形技术,为电影制作公司和广告公司提供各类前期/后期图形化制作服务。


KRAKATOA是Thinkbox Software公司开发的一款经过验证的体积粒子渲染、处理和管理工具包。

它提供了一个获取、缓存、转换、修改、变形、剔除(culling)、着色和渲染巨大数量粒子的功能,并且可以以空前的速度来仿真自然现象,例如灰尘、烟、泥沙、海洋表面泡沫、血浆,甚至是固体物质。Krakatoa集成了粒子流、灵活的3ds Max内置事件驱动粒子系统(Event-Driven Particle System),同时还提供了数据转换能力,以和其他的3D和仿真应用程序分享粒子数据。

渲染功能包括对相同数据的粒子和三维像素代理,支持纹理和着色使用标准的3ds Max贴图和材质;Particle Self-Shadowing;支持每粒子的散射、发射、吸收和密度数据,各种灯光散射模型。Isotropic、Phong Surface、Schlick和Henyey-Greenstein;环境反射;运动模糊和景深;Ambient Participating Medium Extinction,以及更多。

粒子操作包括使用任意几何体进行Particle Culling;使用3ds Max变形修改器和空间变形,例如弯曲、扭曲、路径变形和自由变形晶格进行粒子变形;使用自定义图表、偏移和限制范围的解算进行Particle Retiming;通过强大的基于节点的MagmaFlow编辑器进行Particle Data Channels访问;通过MAXScript来读取和写入粒子数据。

粒子管理功能包括有能力使用独特的粒子分配方法来生成成百上千万的粒子,这可以克服3ds Max内存和系统的限制;PRT粒子数据格式,NextLimit的RealFlow 3、4和5粒子BIN文件格式,以及多功能且易于使用的ASCII Comma Separated Values;CSV格式支持你与任何的应用程序进行交互,读取和写入文本文件;Krakatoa也可以保存粒子文件,并通过使用Krakatoa Particle Loader加载到3ds Max中。

Krakatoa提供了高质量的预设和历史记录系统,能够对任何运行在Krakatoa用户界面的的渲染和保存操作进行自动化记录,并允许浏览任何设置和渲染结果;在以后的项目中对比和恢复部分或完整的相同视觉外观。Krakatoa能够充分利用64位计算技术,并且已经被证明,在64位3ds Max运行状态下,处理速度能够快2倍。


Krakatoa for MAXON CINEMA 4D (also known as Krakatoa C4D or KC4D for short) is a volumetric particle rendering plugin for Mac OSX and Microsoft Windows operating systems. Krakatoa C4D is fully integrated in the CINEMA 4D User Interface. It implements various dedicated scene objects like a PRT Loader for loading particles from external file sequences, PRT Volume and PRT Surface for converting geometry volumes and surfaces to point clouds. Both native CINEMA 4D Emitter and TP particles, as well as 3rd party X-Particles and Turbulence FD systems are supported natively via dedicated intermediate objects.

Krakatoa C4D requires its own separate workstation license when used interactively inside the CINEMA 4D User Interface. This includes rendering and saving particles from inside of CINEMA 4D.

When rendering on the network, a “krakatoa-render” license is required for each render node. All Krakatoa implementations use the same “krakatoa-render” licenses. This means you can network render with Krakatoa C4D, Krakatoa MX, Krakatoa MY or Krakatoa SR as needed without the need to purchase separate render licenses for each.

Note that Krakatoa C4D running in network rendering mode will also check for the existence of a workstation license, but will not check it out. In other words, at least one Krakatoa C4D workstation license must be purchased for network render licenses to operate correctly.

When saving particles on the network, only the existence of a workstation license will be checked for, but no render license will be checked out. This means that an unlimited number of network render nodes can save particles in parallel without the need for additional render licenses.


资源名称: Krakatoa粒子渲染器C4D插件V2.6.3版

本站编号:  ZH6589


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